Sunday, 16 May 2010


I am now finished 3rd year, which is rather scary. I have one year left until I will be forced out into the real world, its quite sad really. Anyway, my website is now up and running (just about) which has all of my work from this year, however I'm sure about half of it will be coming down straight after assessments, as well as a major redesign of I think it only works properly on safari for some reason! Now its time to get going with finding a work placement, currently setting up an interview at the moment so hopefully something will come of it. Wee picture of my CV below...

Knack Exhibition

So our little class exhibition has been and gone now, which was held at Tayburn in Edinburgh. My research into the Chaos Theory and Evolution, resulted in a pretty simple screen printed poster, based around the idea of how all of the "nothings" in life can make something happen. The word "nothing" was painstakingly popped out by a hole puncher, and then stuck back on to create the word "something".

Catch up

Hello there, not been on this for a while wee while due to busyness with exhibition and hand in, so will be doing a little catch up just now...